Nassau County Land Use and Zoning Lawyers

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Real estate in Long Island and the surrounding municipalities offers investors, brokers, and commercial landlords many opportunities to generate funds.  At Hopkins & Kopilow, Attorneys at Law, we offer individuals and businesses in the real estate industry legal representation for both transactional and litigation work.  Addressing issues such as land use and zoning, we protect the rights, interests, and investments of our clients.

Protecting Your Real Property

Real property in New York is invaluable, making contentious issues of land use and zoning almost inevitable. When such issues stall the development of your project, we can help resolve them so that your project continues as planned.  Our firm represents cities, townships, municipalities, and other entities often involving crucial real property matters. We are well-versed in municipal law, able to address the environmental concerns that often accompany developments and existing property.  Our firm addresses:

Land use and zoning:  Land and the way that land is designated to be used is one of the most important issues in real estate today.  Our firm is highly adept at addressing these issues.

Variances:  Our firm represents clients who are interested in obtaining a variance as well as clients who are opposed to a variance.  In some instances, it is beneficial to deviate from zoning and land use requirements.  In other instances, it is not.  Our firm offers knowledgeable representation to municipalities and other entities who are concerned about the outcome of a variance decision.

Subdivisions: We represent clients who are interested in developing a subdivision as well as clients who are opposed to a subdivision. We look at these matters on a case-by-case basis, working towards the results our clients are looking for.

Environmental issues:  Our firm often works with environmental engineers to determine the environmental impact a project will have on the land.

Commercial litigation:  As trial attorneys, we are confident in our abilities to represent real estate clients if a dispute requires litigation.  We litigate matters such as leases, contracts, and development deals.


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