Practice Areas

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With over 90 years of combined experience, our lawyers are highly adept in our areas of practice. At Hopkins & Kopilow, Attorneys at Law, we work vigorously on behalf of our clients’ interests. As trial attorneys, we are champions in the courtroom and vigorous advocates for our clients’ rights. Please contact our firm to arrange a consultation to discuss any of the following practice areas.

Family Law: Offering representation in family law issues such as divorce, child custody, child support, and property division, our firm strives to protect our client’s rights and interests.

Divorce: During divorce proceedings, important decisions need to be made that will determine your future. Our divorce lawyers provide vigorous representation of your rights and strive to find outcomes that work for you. We address issues such as community property, custody modifications, and alimony.

Criminal Defense: Drawing upon our attorneys’ past experience as prosecutors, our firm is able to approach criminal charges with a unique perspective. We are often able to anticipate methods the other side will use in cases involving drug charges, drunk driving, and violent crimes.

DWI/Drunk Driving: As the number of drunk driving offenses go up, so do the penalties. Whether this is your first, second, or third offense, count on our firm to protect your rights.

White Collar Crime: Professionals facing allegations of fraud, embezzlement, and forgery risk losing it all. For representation in this crucial matter, count on our firm to vigorously pursue favorable outcomes.

Medical Malpractice/Birth Injuries: Patients place their trust in the hands of medical professionals. When a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker is negligent, the results can be life-threatening or even fatal.

Motor Vehicle Accidents: If you or someone close to you has been injured in a car, trucking, or motorcycle accident, our firm can pursue fair compensation. We often refer cases to accident reconstructionists to determine the cause of the accident. We consider the future costs of your injuries and consider these costs as we pursue compensation.

Business and Commercial Relations: In a difficult economy, your business will need personal counsel to avoid the pitfalls of litigation.

Premises Liability: When a property owner fails to properly maintain a property, people can easily become injured. Our firm represents individuals who are injured in slip and fall cases as the result of negligent property owners.

Land Use and Zoning: Real property in New York is invaluable. Our firm addresses issues of land use and zoning to help clients protect their real estate investments.


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